The Little Mermaid
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Alex is the young merman Melody meets in Atlantica.

Physical appearance

Despite being at least under 15, he is surprisingly muscular, and has a handsome face with neck-length blond hair and green eyes.



Alex first met Melody while she was wandering around Atlantica, where she developed a crush on him, and vice versa.


Alex is apparently best friends with the mergirl he calls to meet Melody.

Asian Merboy

Alex is apparently best friends the Asian merboy.


  • Some fans theorize that he may be the young merman that Melody met at her birthday party due to their similarities in appearance, although Alex has green eyes while the young man has blue, Alex has different hair with dark and light streaks in it, a tanner complexion, and speaks with an American accent while the young man speaks with a British accent. Despite sharing the same voice actor (Justin Schulte), there is no connection between the two.
  • Also, due to his similar appearance, many fans believe him to be Urchin's son.

